As we grow more and more in love with Bolivia, we are more and more aware of the pressing needs all around us.
We long to serve, to help, to meet every need. But, we can't meet every need. We can't even meet most of the needs. But, we can meet some. We pray daily for the Lord's direction in the steps we are to take here. We have visited orphanages, participated in VBS-styled ministry with poor kids, washed the hair of homeless (or near homeless) moms and bathed their children, we've helped with building homes for the poor, we manage the missions guesthouse for short term teams and others passing through our city. We've experienced so much in the way of ministry, but in comparison to the need here, we almost feel unaccomplished. I've learned that we will never feel accomplished, but we can surely take joy in feeling obedient. God hasn't called us to be successful, he's called us to be obedient, and as we walk in step with his will and seek his fame in all we do, we will be successful in obedience. "Obedience is better than sacrifice" (1 Sam. 15:22). Sometimes we want to see big picture accomplishments or the tally marks of quantitative ministry, but we are all called not to seek enumerated goals, but to seek obedience to our Lord. We have this idea that if our work isn't accompanied by some grand sacrifice or suffering, we aren't doing our best for the Lord. This simply isn't true. Don't get me wrong, there is great reward for those who suffer for Christ, and we will all share in his suffering according to God's eternal plan for his glory. However, the mark of a child of God and disciple of Christ is great love that overflows in joyful obedience. This is the road we want to journey in Bolivia: joyful obedience.
Please pray with us as we take steps in the coming weeks to meet the needs the Lord has called us to. Not every need, nor possibly even the biggest or most pressing needs, but the needs the Lord has directed us to meet. Seth will begin working with the youth group at the International Church and Ashley has plans to help with the children's ministry. Local church involvement is something we feel strongly that we are all called to do - to assist the local bodies to minister effectively and efficiently to the Church. We are building relationships and making plans to begin working with the "wheelbarrow boys" at the market. These boys, generally aging from 11 to 19, are poor and lack many basic needs. They typically live in adobe homes with dirt floors, no electricity or running water, and have to travel hours either by micro or on foot to the market to make an equivalent of about $4 (US) that they use to help their families buy food. They are often overlooked and many have broken families. We ask that you would join us in this ministry by praying for wisdom and direction for us, as well as preparation of their hearts to be receptive to the gospel as we relate it to them in a relational and meaningful way.
We will continue serving as we are able through the many ministries in Cochabamba, from orphan care to construction to children's ministry. Thank you so much for your financial support and allowing the Lord to use you to impact Bolivia through us. We are so happy and willing to be a vessel in this broken land and hope that you'll come visit. We will begin hosting teams next summer and hope you'll consider being a part of the ministry that is going on in Bolivia. We'd also like to thank you for your prayer support and your encouragement. You have no idea how much it means to us. We love you and are praying for God to work in your lives too, as you impact your communities for Jesus, sharing in the love and service of Christ in your mission field. We're in this together. Let's serve and love with joy as we seek first his kingdom. Sometimes it may seem like you aren't doing much with your financial support or your prayer support, but you are walking in meaningful and, hopefully :), joyful obedience. Don't ever despise or resent the small works of obedience and the opportunity to walk in love - you'll be surprised at the big impact those small acts can make.
Love In Christ,
The Powells