Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Eighth Month

We are in our eighth month, here in Bolivia, and have lately been reflecting on life here and our goals for ministry in the great city of Cochabamba. When we stepped on the plane to come here, our goals were a little different, our expectations a little lacking, and our plans a little vague. We knew we wanted to serve, to labor, to seek Christ in everything we could here. We wanted to affect others for Christ, to help build his church. We knew we'd work with some other ministries while working to establish our own. We knew we'd probably not be very effective the first year, or two, or 10, but we'd just set our faces like a flint and seek Jesus. Eight months later, we are coming to grips with the lacking expectations and the vague plans, but are excited about all that has transpired in just a few months. Let me tell you about what we thought we'd do and what we actually have done, along with some plans for the future.

Our first year goals were simple: learn the language and culture, work with some other missionaries to see how they do things, and look for possible ministry opportunities and make plans to start those when the time is right. Our friend, Joe, said, "Don't plan too much; spend time learning. But, you'll be surprised at how much you actually do." He was so right. So, our plans to just learn Spanish, learn Bolivian culture, and help with the missions guesthouse that Joe opened and his summer teams, became just the beginning of what the Lord has allowed us to do and plan during our first year here.

In June, I became the youth pastor at the International Church. In August, we launched a discipleship ministry with some boys who push wheel barrows in the market. We also partnered with the Mitchell family to help with the Baby Washing ministry in the plaza; which is also a service opportunity for the 5 boys I'm discipling. In September, Ashley and I each started discipleship-focused small groups for young adults. We recently decided to do more with orphan care, through visits and mentoring at a local orphanage, FundaciĆ³n Esperanza. There are two other ministry opportunities that are on the prayer list, possibly beginning by the end of the year or the beginning of 2015. Ashley will soon be teaching a kid's class at church for Cruz's age group; and we are praying about another possible ministry in an un-churched area of town.  From simple evangelism to daily discipleship, God has not only provided opportunity, but strength and resources. 

What things have changed? 

Ministry focus: We knew that in the long-run we wanted to plant churches in Bolivia. We didn't expect to change our focus to discipleship ministry. However, the longer we serve here and see the needs that are presented to us, we see that our focus of expanding the kingdom will have to be channeled through discipleship ministry. With the cultural and political changes that are occurring in this country, we are seeing a greater need for local, relational bodies - very reminiscent of how the Church looked soon after it's establishment. Discipleship will be the center of everything we do from now on, with the hope that God would used this ministry focus to grow local bodies of believers to seek to affect their community.

Ministry need: Before we came, we established a budget for our first two years, with one naive thought in mind, "we will really just be serving other people for the first couple of years, it'll take forever to start our own ministries." We are still serving, but God is moving in us to start too. Very soon, we began to realize that our "projected budget" just wasn't cutting it. We have enough to live here and be generous, but are greatly limited in our influence and effectiveness on a community-level. We still invest and sow into individuals through discipleship, meeting needs, and generosity, but our current funding is simply not enough to do community outreach and evangelistic campaigns. Our resources for starting other ministries in areas where there is no Christian influence are not sufficient. But we are not disheartened. We know (just has He has done before and continues to do) God will provide for the needs he presents to us. But, God also uses his people. For those of you who give, THANK YOU. Not just from us. Thank you from those people we get to minister to who, through you, get to hear the gospel. Who, through you, have needs met and can see and know the love of Christ. 

1. What small opportunities are passing you by in your community? How can you be more effective in your city? We didn't come expecting to do all that God is allowing us to do here, but are so excited about his leading. Seek him where your at too. I bet you'll be surprised as what you can do. 
2. Pray for us and become a ministry partner. If you are a financial supporter, pray about who you can ask to join our team. Consider posting our website and commenting that you are proud to be a part of what God is doing in Bolivia. 
3. Visit us! Having visitors come and participate in ministry here and simply "hang-out" with us is such a blessing and encouragement. We miss home, we miss our family and friends. You coming, makes a gigantic difference to our family (both gringo and Bolivian!)

I pray this blog update would both encourage you and challenge you in how you seek Christ in your own mission field. We pray that God would continue the work He has begun in you and that your hunger and thirst for Him would never end.

God bless, 

Seth and the Powell family