While our goal is church planting, evangelism, and discipleship, we have come to realize that the area of ministry God has directed us in is family. This is the most necessary ministry of our community and I believe it is a ministry greatly lacking in many areas where the Church exists.
James 1:27 instructs us to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to present ourselves blameless. Friends, we don't see this simply as a literal, natural instruction. We understand that we are not to focus on the seen but the unseen, to set the eternal as our priority. So, while we seek to meet as many earthly needs as we can, we also have a goal to meet the spiritual and emotional needs of those we minister to. And a great need we see here is family. People to model godly relationships, demonstrate the love of a father and mother, provide a safe place where someone can feel loved. We've learned that the best soil for planting is the soil that's been prepared for seed. And we labor to prepare the soil of hearts by loving and meeting natural needs as a bridge to bring us to the opportunity to plant the gospel. We labor, we plant, and we water with the word through discipleship. But, we trust God for the growth. We are but laborers, he will build his church by growing us and bearing fruit through us to his glory.

Mondays, I teach a Bible class at Colegio Cristo Nacion in the mornings while Ashley homeschools the kids. The afternoon is typically for errands, such as paying bills, visiting government offices (depending on any pending legal procedures), picking up odds and ends from the store, etc. Then in the evening is our young adult Bible study. A typical night, lasts from about 8 (even though we start at 7) until about 10 or 10:30. We discuss difficult topics, scriptural application, exegesis, and more. We have such spurring conversations.
Cruz has TaeKwonDo on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and two of our teens have starting training as well. I go when I can to talk to parents, those training, and the coaches. I've become a "Tio" for the club (tio = uncle). We have chosen Cruz's club as an area to invest in people and grow our influence for the sake of the gospel.
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Ashley teaches History and Geography at Colegio Cristo Nacion (I teach another Bible class on Fridays). We usually walk and pray in our neighborhood on Wednesday nights. Throughout the week, I do one on one discipleship, counseling, and I study/prepare for the next week of ministry. Friday nights are our youth gatherings and God is steadily growing this group of teens. From talking with parents and giving biblical counsel to investing in fatherless teens, we try to take advantage of every opportunity to speak the gospel into the lives of those around us. From sharing hope to being a vessel of hope, our goal is to daily live to His glory and affect change in our community with the power of God's word. Please see our upcoming events and prayer requests below for a bit more detail and important points to pray about as you pray for our ministry.
Since arriving in Bolivia and setting as a primary goal the gospel, we have been very careful to steward the message of the cross in a way that promotes sincerity of commitment and passion for Christ. With that said, we do not push for a sinner's prayer or do many altar calls. We teach and preach the Word of God with attention to it's depth and it's power, while encouraging those who would like to know more and who want to serve our savior, to participate in discipleship, join the church, and grow along side us as brothers and sisters in the faith. So, while our road to growth is slow, it is healthy and strong - God is building his church in Cochabamba. We aren't perfect, but God is good and his grace is always sufficient. So, as God brings us more souls to steward, we are ready for the long haul, the difficult obstacles, and the present teenage tempers. Thank you for your support and prayer. Please continue as our colaborers in the work of the gospel and know that we thank you for the opportunity to be an extension of your obedience in Bolivia.
Up-Coming 2016 Events to Pray Over and Support:
September - Lock-In Retreat (The Standards of a Surrendered Life)
We will host a lock-in for our youth during the month of September where we will lay out and teach the basic standards and evidence of a life surrendered to Christ. What does it mean to be a 'Christian' in this world and what makes us a people set apart.
October - Baptism for new believers
Last year we had the privilege to baptize 3 new believers. As of now we have 6 teens waiting to be baptized, and who knows what the Lord may have in store for the next two months.
November - Thanksgiving Dinner Family Outreach
Using our status as the local 'gringos' we plan to host a big Thanksgiving Dinner for all those we work with and their families. The plan is to invite as many as we can for a plate of "Turkey and Trimmings" (or chicken and pasta - whatever we can get..haha) and while we share a meal, present the gospel.
December - Youth Camp! (Sponsors needed!)
The second or third week of December (depending on graduation), we'll take the boys on a 4 day adventure retreat with FundaciĆ³n Aventura to the Toro Toro National Park. We will hike, camp-out, climb mountains, explore caves, and relate everything to God, his creation, and our salvation. The cost is about $60 per youth (400 Bolivian Pesos) and we are expecting 10-15. We will be doing fundraisers to help offset the cost, but many of these teens come from poor backgrounds and with our community demographics, raising half the price of each tuition will be a feat. So, for anyone wanting to sponsor a teen, please let us know!
Two years ago we were able to do an 'American styled Christmas' for many of our teens and it was a tremendous blessing. Well, this time around we have a few more than just 5 teens. Our numbers for teens (children, youth, etc) that we work with regularly (considering only those who come from families that are in need and under 18 years old) are at about 22. In our next newsletter we will have a picture of each of these teens and a sign up for those who would like to sponsor someone at $25. After Christmas, you will receive in the mail a picture of the kid you sponsored with his or her gift and a thank you note written by the recipient.
Prayer Requests:
1. For Sebas, our teen who is in a troubling situation. He is temporarily living with an aunt, yet we are looking in to getting custody of him. He has never had a family, abandoned with an aunt who doesn't have the resources to care for him. God has given us a special love for him, and we are willing to take him in. He is a new believer and facing many hardships now. Please pray for his situation, his heart, and for our wisdom.
2. The Church we are planting. We have a current project for some of our youth, in which we want to purchase instruments, lessons, and begin forming a band for praise and worship at the church. Please pray for resources and those who want to learn. We have a list of 6 teens waiting to start lessons who want to be a part of this ministry. We also need teachers for Guitar, Drums, and Piano. Also, pray for our community, the new believers, and our family.
3. Our Future in ministry. We have a goal to purchase land to build a ministry center to house the church, temporary boarding for displaced families, and a possible restaurant for a project to help teens with employment and generate income to fund other ministry projects. The lots we've seen cost around 150-175 thousand dollars. Land is expensive here, but materials and labor is not as much. Please pray for partners to join us for this cause and for God to supply funding and wisdom as we pursue this incredible endeavor.
4. Pastor Erick and his family. His brother in law has terminal cancer and has been given weeks to live. Please pray all involved.
5. Our van. Yet again, it is in need of repair. Please pray for speedy repairs, that the cost not be too much, and that we have the means to pay for it. AND, that it doesn't need repairs for a LONG time.
6. Visitors! We want you to come! Bring a team! We have plenty to do, much we could plan, and just plain need some company! :)
Mathew 6:33, "But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." No matter our needs or hard to achieve dreams, let us continue to press on and draw near to our Savior and praise Him both in the midst of storms and on the mountain tops.