Dear Friends and Family,
Thanks for your continued support. Your partnership is vital to the ministry we do here. We have been amazed at the outpouring of blessing in the work that we do here, from consistent giving from ministry partners to the lives we see changing here. As you know, one major component of our ministry is discipleship. And, that the steps we are taking now are to expand this ministry to plant a church in the area where many of the boys that we disciple live. This expansion will lead to a Christ centered and family focused church that will work to spread the gospel, create disciples of Christ and strengthen families so they can be a testimony and representative of Christ's love.
A crisis we see so often here is the brokenness of families and the hopelessness that finds it's way in the hearts of their homes. We want to share the hope of Christ and help them reconcile, build up, and become strong families that honor God. We hope to accomplish this through discipleship and teaching the word. Through meeting needs and sharing love with the least.
Also, as many of you know and have seen, a vast majority of the ministry that we do takes place in our home. In fact, the idea is for the church plant to begin in our home, and that our move would provide a place for the many ministries this will produce. From Bible studies to hosting events and dinners to simple one on one discipleship, our home sees a great deal of traffic. From our 15-20 person Monday night bible study, to the families we have over as we make strategic relationships for sharing the gospel, to 10-15 boys who are becoming regulars, to the one on one time I spend with them in discipleship and mentorship, we can begin to feel a little cramped. This paired with, "where will everyone sit for a church?"
We have prayed for months about how God would have us move forward, where he would lead us for housing, and how our steps would fall into our goals for ministry and His purposes for us in Bolivia. We also are praying that we would be focused on Christ and learn to more deeply trust Him rather than our own understanding. These plans and our steps will require us to step out, yet again, in great measures of faith.
Recently, we unexpectedly found a home that is in the exact location where we have been praying about doing ministry. This home has everything we've asked God for. The space is perfect for hosting families, events, and Bible studies. The layout is perfect for providing family space and ministry space. It even has a large meeting hall that would be great for the church plant. There is an apartment in the back that would be great for interns, visitors, or other ministry activities we do (such as the youth retreat we hosted for a church in another area of town). We are amazed that God has led us to something so perfect for our needs.
But, now we must walk in faith. This home is about $250 above our housing budget. However, given that it will also act as a church, ministry center, and more, the investment is worth it for the great resource it will be to our ministry. We know God is good and that he "watches over his word to perform it" and that "his word does not return void." As we walk in obedience to Him, we know that he will provide according to his will for his ministry in Bolivia. We are simply stewards and vessels. Our prayer is that we will honor Him in all things. Will you pray with us about this endeavor, for our faith, for his financial provision for this and other resources we need, for the hearts that will be touched, for the families that we'll come in contact with, for our family to walk in joy and strength in the midst of more transition?
With great gratitude,
The Powell Family
(Seth, Ashley, Cruz, Carmen, and Lola)
How you can help...
We need funds to cover the costs of moving, resources (such as speakers, chairs, etc), food (for dinners and events), transportation, and more. Consider becoming a partner if you are not already and/or recruiting other partners who have a heart of the mission of Christ to seek and save the lost.
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