Thursday, January 30, 2014

Tick Tock

So many times we say, "Man, I wish I had more time!"  Well, the past two days, we had just that thanks to Leon, the winter storm.  If I could go back a few days, I would have prepared better in terms of meals and snacks (we are now officially out of bread, milk, eggs, fruit, and lettuce.)  But, other than having to scrounge up creative meals and snacks, we have not suffered.  (We are also fortunate to have good neighbors to share meals with, making the circumstances much more fun.)  All this "extra time" has caused me to really think about the ways I use my time, since as Seth pointed out Sunday to me, "We only have about 10 more Sunday's here in the states." Ten.  That is not very many, folks!

With time slipping away from us, there are things we want to do before we leave.  Seth and I both need more time with our families.  The kids are letting us know what restaurant they want to visit before the move, and Seth and I are narrowing down our choices. I have to figure out what to do with the stuff we sell, to donate, or to store?  I also wanted to lose a few pounds (...or twenty) before the move, but with all the good American delicacies I need to enjoy before the move, who has time for that?! 

In the midst of all of this, the Lord keeps asking me, am I dying to self?  Is my time about honoring Him or myself? What is really my desire?  Not one of those things are bad, but my heart needs to be set on Him. I have been very focused on spending my last few weeks enjoying the comforts of America, when I really need to focus on the comfort I can have in Christ, whether here, in Bolivia, or wherever else I may one day be.  I need to be intentional in my time with others and with God, both now in these last 2 months and always.  I have written more letters in the past few months than I ever have in my life!  But, I made that a priority to write friends and family to share with them my heart and what is ahead for us. I'm trying to invest in those around me with the encouragement of this testimony of God's direction in our lives, instead of investing in cultural gluttony these last 10 weeks - trying to manage my time for his glory rather than relishing in the desires of my flesh. 

Romans 1:16 says, "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation for everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also the Greek."  This world, especially in America, has a LOT to offer us, but none of it compares to the "immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe." (Eph. 1:19)  And that power is in the gospel.  So, why do we not study God's word more in our "down time" and seek to know Him more when we feel time is pressing for other things?  Why don't we share his word and our satisfaction in him with those around us more often? We have to be careful that we are dependent on the gospel - not our culture - for our joy and peace and fulfillment. 

Romans 12:2, "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. " A lot of testing, as I'm seeing now, comes in how I manage my time for the Lord. Am I conformed to this world in my weekly schedule, watching House Hunters International, playing Candy Crush, and daydreaming of chicken parmesan from Olive Garden, while designating no time to honor him with reading the word, praying, and learning to trust in the leading of the Holy Spirit? In these last few weeks in the states and for ever in my life, my prayer is that I would die to self when it comes to my time, and seek first HIS kingdom, not My cultural comforts. Let's encourage each other to glorify God with our time and to use this tiny portion of eternity that we live in to spur one another on towards a deeper relationship with our creator and sustainer, our wonderfully good, heavenly Father - who deserves all of us, including our time. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

Last night, we had a blast at our Peña Bolivianat Immanuel Baptist Church (Thank you for hosting)! We were so blessed to have so many friends and family there! We wanted to take moment to tell you about how we ended our 2013! Click all the links for videos, more pics, and recipes!

Upon arrival, everyone was greeted with a gift (Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan), a program, and pictures of Bolivia on the entrance door. Melanie, Ashley's sister (left), made an excellent greeter. As guests signed in, they placed their names in a drawing for some excellent Bolivian door prizes: llama pens, alpaca wool hat, llama wool handmade duffle bag, and more. We even gave out some great canvas totes, thanks to Julie May of Menu Musings food blog.

Julie was kind enough, along with her great family, to cook all the food for our event. Our delicious Bolivian Silpancho over rice and caramelized potatoes with an egg over easy and salsa was a complete hit. Everyone LOVED it! You can even get the recipe at Julie's food blog, just type "silpancho" in the search box. We capped the meal off with an amazing Bananas Foster, which is also on Julie's site.

Along with our terrific meal, we had a great performance from Bridge, the worship band from The Grove Church. Guests learned a bit about Bolivian culture through some clips from Bizzare Foods and House Hunters International. Seth shared about our Peña experience in La Paz and helped everyone to understand what a Peña is (click the program link above for more info). And, we also watched a hilarious music video featuring Bolivian pan flutes.  Joe Holman (missionary to Bolivia) also provided a great video welcoming us to their ministry team in Bolivia and endorsing us for sponsorship (watch it). We were truly blessed by the evening. Here are some more pics of our Peña Boliviana Missions Dinner! Have an amazing 2014! We can't wait to see where God takes us on this journey this year in CochabambaPray for us!